A Family of Crocheters

handiwork noun

hand·​i·​work | \ ˈhan-di-ˌwərk

, -dē- \

Definition of handiwork



work done by the hands


work done personally

recognized her handiwork


the product of handiwork


That is what my Grandma Omie Sommers called her crocheting and embroidery. I admired it back in the day and I admire it even more now that I have tried these techniques. I haven’t been able to catch on to crocheting or embroidery yet, as I simply have not quite developed the patience and stamina required to do these tedious projects. However, other people in my family have shown the capability to do the precise sewing, knitting and embroidery that I have aspired to do. I feel that this has been great inspiration for myself and I hope that I can do the same in the future. In the mean time, here’s some work from other members of my family!

My mother in law, Carson and Madi’s Grandma Pat Krause, died in August 2019. She was always busy with ongoing handiwork projects. She sewed, embroidered and created dolls and teddy bears. After her celebration of life, we were directed to a chest where she had kept special mementos for each grandchild. This is the bear Carson always loved which Grandma Pat made (below).

My own mom, Carson and Madi’s grandmother, Patty, is also talented at handiwork. She used to sew matching dresses for my sisters and I. She patiently tried to teach me to sew and like any good mother, she saved my home economics wrap skirt just so I could pass the class! She is quite the seamstress which has come in handy with the need for Covid-19 masks (below). 

I was recently reminded that my other Grandma, Dorothy Williams, was also good at handiwork when my mom gifted me one of her afghans. Now that I have tried to crochet, I appreciate the blanket even more. The details and colors intricately combine for a beautiful piece of art doubling as a cover to keep me warm (below).

My daughter Madi has been able to partake in these activities. Below you can see her work she has done with embroidery (below). 

Now, I’m not frustrated about my lack of skill but I think it would be really cool to knit a hat! I’ve watched some Youtube videos on how to do so, which can be seen in the link below.

I used to have a bit of angst about not being able to pass on handiwork skills to my children but luckily for me, it turns out their grandparents and great grandparents did just fine.

Please feel free to show some of your work in the comments.

Have a great week and we will be in touch again soon!

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